Zth (libzth)

Performance measurement of some aspects of Zth. On a MacBook Pro (2010), running the release build, it gives the following output:

[calib     ]  calibration                         :  0.000'000'002'613 s    (2^29 iterations, total 1.40 s)
[calib     ]  empty test                          : -0.000'000'000'008 s    (2^29 iterations, total 1.40 s)
[now       ]  Timestamp::now()                    :  0.000'000'043'526 s    (2^25 iterations, total 1.55 s)
[context   ]  2 context_switch()s                 :  0.000'000'163'834 s    (2^23 iterations, total 1.40 s)
[yield     ]  single-fiber yield()                :  0.000'000'073'900 s    (2^24 iterations, total 1.28 s)
[yield     ]  single-fiber yield() always         :  0.000'000'074'261 s    (2^24 iterations, total 1.29 s)
[yield     ]  yield() to fiber and back           :  0.000'000'406'253 s    (2^22 iterations, total 1.71 s)
[fiber     ]  currentFiber()                      :  0.000'000'000'022 s    (2^29 iterations, total 1.41 s)
[fiber     ]  create and cleanup fiber            :  0.000'019'744'122 s    (2^16 iterations, total 1.29 s)
[nap       ]  nap(0)                              : -0.000'000'000'039 s    (2^29 iterations, total 1.38 s)
[nap       ]  nap(100 ms)                         :  0.100'868'147'512 s    (2^ 4 iterations, total 1.61 s)
#include <zth>
#include <cmath>
// Tests
void testEmpty() {}
void testNow()
static zth::Context* context1;
static zth::Context* context2;
void context2entry(void* /*unused*/)
zth::context_switch(context2, context1);
void testContextInit()
int res = 0;
context1 = zth::currentFiber().context();
if((res = zth::context_create(context2, zth::ContextAttr(&context2entry))))
zth::abort("Cannot create context2; %s", zth::err(res).c_str());
void testContext()
zth::context_switch(context1, context2);
void testContextCleanup()
void testYield1()
void testYield1Always()
zth::yield(nullptr, true);
static zth::Fiber* testYieldFiberPtr = nullptr;
void testYieldFiber()
testYieldFiberPtr = &zth::currentFiber();
zth::yield(nullptr, true);
void testYieldInit()
async testYieldFiber();
void testYield()
zth::yield(nullptr, true);
void testYieldCleanup()
zth::abort("Test fiber did not run");
void testFiberCreateEntry() {}
void testFiberCreate()
testFiberCreateEntry_future f = async testFiberCreateEntry();
zth::yield(nullptr, true); // Make sure to clean up old fibers.
void testCurrentFiber()
zth::Fiber const& f __attribute__((unused)) = zth::currentFiber();
void testNap0()
void testNap100ms()
// Tester
static zth::string preciseTime(double s)
// We would like to do std::format("%.12f", s), but newlib may not
// support double formatting. Therefore, do it the hard way...
if(s != s)
return "NaN";
if(s - s != s - s) // inf - inf == NaN
return s < 0 ? "-Inf" : "Inf";
if(s < 0)
res += "-";
res += " ";
// We expect that all values are < 1 s, so simplify the formatting of
// the integral part.
double intpart = 0;
s = modf(fabs(s), &intpart);
res += zth::format("%u.", (unsigned)intpart);
// Now print 12 decimals, grouped with '.
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
res += "'";
s = modf(s * 1000.0, &intpart);
// Ok, there may be an exotic case because of rounding that
// intpart may become 1000. Ignore that for now.
res += zth::format("%03u", (unsigned)intpart);
// Last decimal may not be rounded properly. Ignore that.
res += " s";
return res;
namespace fsm {
using namespace zth::fsm;
class TestFsm : public Fsm {
TestFsm(zth::cow_string description, void (*test)(), double calibrationOffset = 0)
: m_description{std::move(description)}
, m_test{test}
, m_singleResult{calibrationOffset}
size_t iterations() const
return (size_t)1U << m_calibration;
bool maxIterations() const
return iterations() > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 4U;
void calibrate()
// This function is called in the sequence with iterations
// being 1<<0, 1<<1, 1<<2, 1<<3, 1<<4... So, the total number
// of executed tests will be the number of calls to
// calibration() * 2 - 1. Divide by 2U here, to let
// m_calibrations match the number of total executed
// iterations.
for(size_t i = iterations() / 2U; i > 0; i--)
void measure()
for(size_t i = iterations(); i > 0; i--)
m_duration = dt();
void done()
m_singleResult += m_duration.s() / (double)iterations();
printf("%-50s: %s (2^%2u iterations, total %s)\n", m_description.c_str(),
preciseTime(m_singleResult).c_str(), (unsigned)m_calibration,
double result() const
return m_singleResult;
zth::cow_string m_description;
void (*m_test)();
double m_singleResult;
size_t m_calibration{};
zth::Timestamp m_start;
zth::TimeInterval m_duration;
static constexpr auto maxIterations = guard(&TestFsm::maxIterations);
static constexpr auto calibrate = action(&TestFsm::calibrate);
static constexpr auto measure = action(&TestFsm::measure);
static constexpr auto done = action(&TestFsm::done);
// clang-format off
static constexpr auto transitions = compile(
// Calibration should take at least 0.5 s; actual measurement is then twice as long.
"calibrate" + timeout_ms<500> >>= "measure",
+ maxIterations >>= "measure",
calibrate ,
"measure" / measure >>= "done",
"done" / done
// clang-format on
} // namespace fsm
static void runTest(char const* set, char const* name, void (*test)(), bool calibrationRun = false)
static double calibration = 0;
calibration = 0;
fsm::TestFsm fsm{zth::format("[%-10s] %s", set, name), test, calibration};
calibration = -fsm.result();
static void run_testset(char const* testset)
bool all = strcmp("all", testset) == 0;
char const* set = nullptr;
set = "now";
if(all || strcmp(set, testset) == 0) {
runTest(set, "Timestamp::now()", &testNow);
set = "context";
if(all || strcmp(set, testset) == 0) {
runTest(set, "2 context_switch()s", &testContext);
set = "yield";
if(all || strcmp(set, testset) == 0) {
runTest(set, "single-fiber yield()", &testYield1);
runTest(set, "single-fiber yield() always", &testYield1Always);
runTest(set, "yield() to fiber and back", &testYield);
set = "fiber";
if(all || strcmp(set, testset) == 0) {
runTest(set, "currentFiber()", &testCurrentFiber);
runTest(set, "create and cleanup fiber", &testFiberCreate);
set = "nap";
if(all || strcmp(set, testset) == 0) {
runTest(set, "nap(0)", &testNap0);
runTest(set, "nap(100 ms)", &testNap100ms);
// Specify on the command line the test set name(s) to be executed. When none
// is specified, 'all' is assumed. The test set name is printed between
// brackets before the test description.
int main_fiber(int argc, char** argv)
runTest("calib", "calibration", &testEmpty, true);
runTest("calib", "empty test", &testEmpty);
if(argc <= 1)
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
return 0;
// Override log output, as it influences our measurements.
void zth_logv(char const* UNUSED_PAR(fmt), va_list UNUSED_PAR(arg)) {}
The fiber.
Definition: fiber.h:52
Context * context() const noexcept
Definition: fiber.h:138
void kill() noexcept
Definition: fiber.h:271
Convenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains a time interval.
Definition: time.h:52
Convenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains an absolute timestamp.
Definition: time.h:527
static Timestamp now()
Definition: time.h:554
Copy-on-write string.
Definition: util.h:344
int main_fiber(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: main.cpp:14
void zth_logv(char const *fmt, va_list arg)
Prints the given printf()-like formatted string to stdout.
Definition: zth_logv.cpp:20
void nap(Timestamp const &sleepUntil)
Sleep until the given time stamp.
Definition: waiter.h:277
#define zth_fiber(...)
Prepare every given function to become a fiber by async.
Definition: async.h:765
void yield(Fiber *preferFiber=nullptr, bool alwaysYield=false, Timestamp const &now=Timestamp::now())
Allow a context switch.
Definition: worker.h:435
Fiber & currentFiber() noexcept
Return the currently executing fiber.
Definition: worker.h:398
#define async
Run a function as a new fiber.
Definition: async.h:789
constexpr auto guard(T &&g, char const *name=nullptr)
Create a guard from a function.
Definition: fsm14.h:530
constexpr auto action(T &&a, char const *name=nullptr)
Create an action from a function.
Definition: fsm14.h:649
constexpr auto stop
Action to return from Fsm::run().
Definition: fsm14.h:2037
constexpr auto compile(T &&... t)
Compile a transition description.
Definition: fsm14.h:1273
void abort(char const *fmt,...) noexcept
Aborts the process after printing the given printf() formatted message.
Definition: util.cpp:130
std::basic_string< char, std::char_traits< char >, Config::Allocator< char >::type > string
std::string type using Config::Allocator::type.
Definition: util.h:335
char const * banner() noexcept
Prints a banner line with version and configuration information.
Definition: util.cpp:34
#define UNUSED_PAR(name)
Definition: macros.h:79
Definition: fsm14.h:35
void context_switch(Context *from, Context *to) noexcept
Perform context switch.
Definition: context.cpp:116
void context_destroy(Context *context) noexcept
Destroy and cleanup a context.
Definition: context.cpp:99
string err(int e)
Return a string like strerror() does, but as a zth::string.
Definition: util.h:617
int context_create(Context *&context, ContextAttr const &attr) noexcept
Create a context.
Definition: context.cpp:58
string format(char const *fmt,...)
Format like sprintf(), but save the result in an zth::string.
Definition: util.h:503