Zth (libzth)
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Cvector_typestd::vector type using Config::Allocator::type
 Cmap_typestd::map type using Config::Allocator::type
 Clist_typestd::list type using Config::Allocator::type
 CsetStackSizeChange the stack size of a fiber returned by async
 CsetNameChange the name of a fiber returned by async
 CpassOnExitMakes the fiber pass the given gate upon exit
 CTypedFiberN< void, Args... >
 CTypedFiberType< R(*)(Args...)>
 Cfiber_type< R(*)(Args...)>
 CFiberThe fiber
 CRunnableAn abstract class, that can be started as a fiber
 CFsmGuardA guard is evaluated, and when true, the corresponding transition is taken
 CFsmDescriptionThe description of a Fsm
 CFsmCompilerA compiler to turn an zth::FsmDescription into something that can be used by zth::Fsm
 CFsmA Finite-state machine
 CFsmCallback< State_, void, Input_, FsmImpl_ >
 CBacktraceSave a backtrace
 CPerfEventAn event to be processed by perf_event()
 CPerfEvent< false >
 CLoadMeasure the load of some activity
 CEventRateMeasure the rate of some event in Hz
 CPollableA pollable thing
 CPollableFdA pollable file descriptor
 CPollerInterfaceAbstract base class of a poller
 CPollerClientBaseThe abstract base class of a Poller client
 CPollerServerBaseAbstract base class of a Poller server
 CPollerServerPoller to be executed by the Waiter
 CZmqPollerA PollerServer that uses zmq_poll()
 CPollerClientThe poller to be used by a fiber
 CRegisterHelper class to read/write (bitfields in) hardware registers
 CMutexFiber-aware mutex
 CSemaphoreFiber-aware semaphore
 CSignalFiber-aware signal
 CFutureFiber-aware future
 CFuture< void >
 CGateFiber-aware barrier/gate
 CTimeIntervalConvenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains a time interval
 CTimestampConvenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains an absolute timestamp
 Ccow_stringCopy-on-write string
 CUniqueIDKeeps track of a process-wide unique ID within the type T
 Cchoose_type< void, WhenTIsVoid >
 Csafe_ptrWrapper for a pointer, which checks validity of the pointer upon dereference
 CSingletonSingleton pattern
 CThreadLocalSingletonSingleton pattern, but only per-thread
 Csmall_vectorA simple std::vector, which can contain Prealloc without heap allocation
 Csmallest_uint< x, smallest_uint_size< 1 > >
 Csmallest_uint< x, smallest_uint_size< 2 > >
 Csmallest_uint< x, smallest_uint_size< 4 > >
 CWaiterA single fiber per Worker that manages sleeping and blocked fibers
 CPeriodicWakeUpPeriodic wakeup after fixed interval
 CWorkerThe class that manages the fibers within this thread
 CConfigThe configuration of Zth