►Czth::fsm::Callback< T, GuardPollInterval > | |
Czth::fsm::TypedGuard< T > | |
►Czth::fsm::Callback< T, void > | |
Czth::fsm::TypedAction< T > | |
►Czth::fiber_type_impl< R(*)(Args...)> | |
Czth::fiber_type< R(*)(Args...)> | |
Czth::FsmDescription< FsmImpl > | |
Czth::FsmDescription< zth::Fsm > | |
Czth::FsmGuard< zth::Fsm > | |
Czth::List< zth::Fiber > | |
Czth::list_type< std::pair< void(*)(zth::Fiber &, void *), void * > > | |
►Czth::Listable< Fiber > | |
►Czth::Fiber | The fiber |
►Czth::TypedFiber< R, R(*)(Args...)> | |
Czth::TypedFiberN< R, Args > | |
►Czth::TypedFiber< void, void(*)(Args...)> | |
Czth::TypedFiberN< void, Args... > | |
Czth::TypedFiber< R, F > | |
►Czth::Listable< TimedWaitable > | |
►Czth::TimedWaitable | |
►Czth::PolledWaiting< PolledMemberWaitingHelper< C > > | |
Czth::PolledMemberWaiting< C > | |
Czth::PolledWaiting< F > | |
Czth::Synchronizer::AlarmClock | |
Czth::map_type< uint64_t, string > | |
Czth::impl::Packed< R > | |
►Czth::SharedPointer< Future< T > > | |
Czth::AutoFuture< T > | |
Czth::SharedPointer< zth::Future > | |
Czth::small_vector< MetaItem, PollItemList::prealloc > | |
Czth::small_vector< Pollable * > | |
Czth::small_vector< PollItem, 4 > | |
Czth::SortedList< zth::TimedWaitable > | |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cstd::logic_error | STL class |
Czth::fsm::invalid_fsm | Exception thrown when the FSM description is incorrect |
►Czth::ThreadLocalSingleton< Worker > | |
Czth::Worker | The class that manages the fibers within this thread |
Czth::vector_type< index_type > | |
Czth::vector_type< Input > | |
Czth::vector_type< void * > | |
Czth::vector_type< zth::fsm::Symbol > | |
Czth::Backtrace | Save a backtrace |
Czth::choose_type< T, WhenTIsVoid > | |
Czth::choose_type< void, WhenTIsVoid > | |
Czth::ContextAttr | |
Czth::cow_string | Copy-on-write string |
►Czth::DefaultConfig | |
Czth::Config | The configuration of Zth |
Czth::DefaultConfig::Allocator< T > | Allocator type |
Czth::Env | |
Czth::EventRate< T, Bins, Count > | Measure the rate of some event in Hz |
Czth::fiber_type< F > | |
Czth::fiber_type_impl< F > | |
►Czth::FiberManipulator | |
Czth::passOnExit | Makes the fiber pass the given gate upon exit |
Czth::setName | Change the name of a fiber returned by async |
Czth::setStackSize | Change the stack size of a fiber returned by async |
►Czth::fsm::Action | |
►Czth::fsm::GuardedActionBase | |
Czth::fsm::GuardedAction | |
Czth::fsm::Transition | |
Czth::fsm::TransitionStart | |
Czth::fsm::TypedAction< T > | |
Czth::fsm::Callback< T, R, haveArg, isMember, isOk > | |
Czth::fsm::function_traits< T > | |
►Czth::fsm::Guard | |
Czth::fsm::GuardedActionBase | |
Czth::fsm::InputGuard | |
Czth::fsm::TypedGuard< T > | |
►Czth::fsm::Named< enable > | |
Czth::fsm::Callback< T, R, false, false, true > | |
Czth::fsm::Callback< T, R, false, true, true > | |
Czth::fsm::Callback< T, R, true, false, true > | |
►Czth::fsm::Named< false > | |
Czth::fsm::Named< true > | |
Czth::fsm::Symbol | A input/state symbol |
Czth::fsm::Transitions< Size >::CompiledTransition | |
►Czth::fsm::TransitionsBase | |
Czth::fsm::Transitions< Size > | |
Czth::FsmCompiler< Fsm > | A compiler to turn an zth::FsmDescription into something that can be used by zth::Fsm |
Czth::FsmDescription< Fsm > | The description of a Fsm |
Czth::FsmGuard< Fsm > | A guard is evaluated, and when true, the corresponding transition is taken |
Czth::impl::Arguments< A > | |
►Czth::impl::ContextBase< Impl > | Base class of the Context |
►Czth::impl::ContextArch< Context > | |
Czth::Context | |
Czth::Context | |
Czth::Context | |
Czth::Context | |
Czth::impl::ContextArch< Context > | |
Czth::impl::ContextArch< Impl > | |
Czth::impl::ContextArch< Impl > | |
Czth::impl::ContextBase< Impl >::Stack | Stack information |
Czth::impl::FunctionION< R, A, A_ > | |
Czth::impl::FunctionION< void, A, A_ > | |
Czth::impl::Packed< T > | |
Czth::impl::Packed< T & > | |
Czth::List< T > | |
Czth::List< T >::iterator | |
Czth::list_type< T > | std::list type using Config::Allocator::type |
Czth::Listable< ChildClass > | |
Czth::Load< T > | Measure the load of some activity |
Czth::map_type< Key, T, Compare > | std::map type using Config::Allocator::type |
Czth::PerfEvent< Enable > | An event to be processed by perf_event() |
Czth::PerfEvent< false > | |
Czth::PeriodicWakeUp | Periodic wakeup after fixed interval |
►Czth::Pollable | A pollable thing |
Czth::PollableFd | A pollable file descriptor |
Czth::PolledMemberWaitingHelper< C > | |
►Czth::RefCounted | |
►Czth::Synchronizer | |
Czth::Future< T > | Fiber-aware future |
Czth::Future< void > | |
Czth::Gate | Fiber-aware barrier/gate |
Czth::Mutex | Fiber-aware mutex |
Czth::Semaphore | Fiber-aware semaphore |
Czth::Signal | Fiber-aware signal |
Czth::Register< T, Addr, Fields > | Helper class to read/write (bitfields in) hardware registers |
►Czth::Runnable | An abstract class, that can be started as a fiber |
Czth::PerfFiber | |
Czth::Waiter | A single fiber per Worker that manages sleeping and blocked fibers |
Czth::safe_ptr< T > | Wrapper for a pointer, which checks validity of the pointer upon dereference |
Czth::Sequence<... > | |
Czth::SharedPointer< T > | |
Czth::Singleton< T > | Singleton pattern |
Czth::small_vector< T, Prealloc, Allocator > | A simple std::vector, which can contain Prealloc without heap allocation |
Czth::smallest_uint< x, smallest_uint_size< 1 > > | |
Czth::smallest_uint< x, smallest_uint_size< 2 > > | |
Czth::smallest_uint< x, smallest_uint_size< 4 > > | |
Czth::smallest_uint_size< size > | |
Czth::SortedList< T, Compare > | |
Czth::ThreadLocalSingleton< T > | Singleton pattern, but only per-thread |
►Czth::TimeInterval | Convenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains a time interval |
Czth::fsm::GuardPollInterval | |
Czth::Timestamp | Convenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains an absolute timestamp |
Czth::TypedFiberFactory< F > | |
Czth::TypedFiberType< F > | |
Czth::TypedFiberType< R(*)(Args...)> | |
Czth::TypedFiberType< R(*)(Args...)>::NoArg | |
►Czth::UniqueIDBase | |
►Czth::UniqueID< BasicFsm > | |
►Czth::fsm::BasicFsm | Basic FSM base class |
Czth::fsm::Fsm | FSM base class |
►Czth::UniqueID< Fiber > | |
Czth::Fiber | The fiber |
►Czth::UniqueID< Synchronizer > | |
Czth::Synchronizer | |
►Czth::UniqueID< Fsm< void, void, void > > | |
►Czth::Fsm< State_, int, choose_type< void, FsmCallback< State_, void, int, void > >::type > | |
Czth::FsmCallback< State_, CallbackArg_, Input_, FsmImpl_ > | |
►Czth::Fsm< State_, Input_, choose_type< FsmImpl_, FsmCallback< State_, void, Input_, void > >::type > | |
Czth::FsmCallback< State_, void, Input_, FsmImpl_ > | |
Czth::Fsm< State_, Input_, FsmImpl_ > | A Finite-state machine |
►Czth::UniqueID< PollerInterface > | |
►Czth::PollerInterface | Abstract base class of a poller |
►Czth::PollerClientBase | The abstract base class of a Poller client |
Czth::PollerClient | The poller to be used by a fiber |
►Czth::PollerServerBase | Abstract base class of a Poller server |
►Czth::PollerServer< zmq_pollitem_t > | |
Czth::ZmqPoller | A PollerServer that uses zmq_poll() |
Czth::PollerServer< PollItem_ > | Poller to be executed by the Waiter |
►Czth::UniqueID< Worker > | |
Czth::Worker | The class that manages the fibers within this thread |
Czth::UniqueID< T, ThreadSafe > | Keeps track of a process-wide unique ID within the type T |
Czth::vector_type< T > | std::vector type using Config::Allocator::type |
►Czth::Waitable | |
Czth::TimedWaitable | |
Czth_cond_t | |
Czth_future_t | |
Czth_gate_t | |
Czth_init_entry | |
Czth_mutex_t | |
Czth_sem_t | |