Pattern how to use and trigger a background daemon fiber.
static bool shutdown_flag = false;
while(!shutdown_flag) {
t += interval;
static zth::Signal triggerSomeDaemon(
"someDaemon trigger");
void someDaemon()
async trigger(&triggerSomeDaemon, 1);
while(!shutdown_flag) {
printf("daemon wakeup\n");
void foo()
shutdown_flag = true;
return 0;
Fiber-aware barrier/gate.
void signal(bool queue=true, bool queueEveryTime=false) noexcept
Convenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains a time interval.
constexpr bool isNegative() const noexcept
Convenient wrapper around struct timespec that contains an absolute timestamp.
Makes the fiber pass the given gate upon exit.
int main_fiber(int argc, char **argv)
void nap(Timestamp const &sleepUntil)
Sleep until the given time stamp.
#define zth_fiber(...)
Prepare every given function to become a fiber by async.
#define async
Run a function as a new fiber.