Zth (libzth)
This is the complete list of members for zth::Timestamp, including all inherited members.
add(TimeInterval const &dt) noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
hasPassed() const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
isAfter(Timestamp const &t) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
isBefore(Timestamp const &t) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
isNull() const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
now() | zth::Timestamp | inlinestatic |
null() noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inlinestatic |
operator struct timespec const &() const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator!=(Timestamp const &rhs) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator+(TimeInterval const &dt) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator+=(TimeInterval const &dt) noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator-(TimeInterval const &dt) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator-(Timestamp const &rhs) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator-=(TimeInterval const &dt) noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator<(Timestamp const &rhs) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator<=(Timestamp const &rhs) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator==(Timestamp const &rhs) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator>(Timestamp const &rhs) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
operator>=(Timestamp const &rhs) const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
passed() const | zth::Timestamp | inline |
Timestamp() noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
Timestamp(struct timespec const &ts) noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |
Timestamp(time_t sec, long nsec=0) noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inlineexplicit |
Timestamp(TimeInterval const &ti) | zth::Timestamp | inline |
timeTo(Timestamp const &t) const | zth::Timestamp | inline |
ts() const noexcept | zth::Timestamp | inline |