Zth (libzth)

Stack example.

#include <zth>
* This example shows a few stack-related features. It is designed for
* bare-metal ARM Cortex-M4, but it compiles fine on other systems, but the MPU
* functionality is stripped out in that case.
* The first example shows how to switch between stacks. By default the MSP is
* used for the main worker, and all fibers run on their PSP. One can switch
* the stack a fiber is using to another memory region, e.g. malloced(), or
* switch back to the MSP. The reason to use an other stack can be that the
* default allocated stack is kept small, but when a fiber needs sporadically
* more stack, one can use a big stack for a short while. This way, system
* resources can be used more efficiently.
* For this, a function call must be wrapped in zth::stack_switch(). Functions
* of up to 3 arguments are supported for pre-C++11. C++11 and later support
* any number of arguments.
* When no stack region is specified, stack==nullptr, the MSP is used. In that
* case, context switching between fibers is disabled, as no one else can use
* the MSP in that case. When the function returns to the previous stack,
* context switching is enabled again.
// Define some alternate stacks.
static char altstack[0x1000];
static char altstack2[0x1000];
// Define a few different functions.
static void vf0() noexcept {}
static int f0() noexcept
return 1;
static void vf1(int i) noexcept
printf("%d\n", i);
static int f1(int /*i*/) noexcept
return 1;
static void vf2(int i, double d) noexcept
printf("%d %d\n", i, (int)(d * 100.0));
static int f2(int /*i*/, double /*d*/) noexcept
// Switch stack again.
zth::stack_switch(altstack2, sizeof(altstack), &vf2, 10, 11.1);
return 1;
static void vf3(int i, double d, void* p) noexcept
printf("%d %d %p\n", i, (int)(d * 100.0), p);
static int f3(int /*i*/, double /*d*/, void* /*p*/) noexcept
return 1;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
static void vf4(int i, double d, void* p, int i2) noexcept
printf("%d %d %p %d\n", i, (int)(d * 100.0), p, i2);
static int f4(int /*i*/, double /*d*/, void* /*p*/, int /*i2*/) noexcept
return 1;
static void example_stack_switch()
// Normal function call, running on this stack.
zth::stack_watermark_init(altstack, sizeof(altstack));
// All functions below are executed using altstack as stack.
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &vf0);
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &f0);
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &vf1, 1);
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &f1, 1);
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &vf2, 1, 3.14);
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &f2, 1, 3.14);
zth::stack_switch(altstack2, sizeof(altstack2), &vf3, 1, 3.14, (void*)nullptr);
// The following function runs on the MSP.
zth::stack_switch(nullptr, 0, &f3, 1, 3.14, (void*)nullptr);
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &vf4, 1, 3.14, (void*)nullptr, 2);
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &f4, 1, 3.14, (void*)nullptr, 2);
// There is no limit in (nested) switching stacks. When the function
// returns, the previous stack is restored.
printf("altstack usage: 0x%x\n", (unsigned)zth::stack_watermark_maxused(altstack));
* The second example shows stack overflow detection.
* If Config::EnableStackGuard is enabled, the MPU is configured to capture this.
* At the end of the stack, a small region is marked as non-accessible. A hardfault
* will occur if the memory is touched.
* This functionality is compatible with using zth::stack_switch; the MPU is reconfigured
* upon every switch.
static void overflow2(int i) noexcept
printf("overflow %d\n", i);
// Recursive call, this will overflow the stack.
overflow2(i + 1);
static void overflow1(int i) noexcept
// Switch stack again.
zth::stack_switch(altstack2, sizeof(altstack2), &overflow2, i + 1);
static void example_stack_overflow()
// Run the test on another stack.
zth::stack_switch(altstack, sizeof(altstack), &overflow1, 0);
int main_fiber(int UNUSED_PAR(argc), char** UNUSED_PAR(argv))
return 0;
int main_fiber(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: main.cpp:14
std::enable_if<!std::is_void< R >::value, R >::type stack_switch(void *stack, size_t size, R(*f)(A...) noexcept, A_ &&... a) noexcept
Call the function f using the new stack pointer.
Definition: context.h:414
void stack_watermark_init(void *stack, size_t size) noexcept
Initialize the memory region for stack high water marking.
Definition: context.cpp:245
size_t stack_watermark_maxused(void *stack) noexcept
Return the high water mark of the stack.
Definition: context.cpp:283
#define UNUSED_PAR(name)
Definition: macros.h:79